Bandura's Theory of Social Learning
Bandura’s Social Learning Theory places emphasis on attentional control (selective, sustained, focused attention) as a metacognitive skill that has direct impact on one’s behavior, effort and persistence e.g. through training individuals to self-reinforce and self-reward. This theory points to the role of educators as constant inspiration for their students as well as it underlines the role of self-efficacy as a socially biased component of learning. Both Bandura's Theory and 9-Layered Model of Giftedness, are founded on the importance of higher cognitive skills in learning processes, such as critical thinking, problem solving, intrapersonal skills e.g. self-efficacy beliefs as well as self-regulation skills e.g. self-monitoring, self-reflecting, self-controlling. Also, both theories view one’s learning capacity as a dynamic, reciprocal interaction of our personality, capabilities as well as our environment. “Belief in one’s efficacy is a key personal resource in self-d...